When you boil it all down, one of the most common conversations I have with men is that they don’t feel “fully alive”.

Their life might look great from the outside — a good job, great income, beautiful family — but if things aren’t great on the inside of a man he knows it.

Can you relate?

The symptoms are common: limited passion and enthusiasm in their work; low energy and vitality at the end of the day; fading or lost spark in their relationships.

But what CAUSES these symptoms?

Here is a video explaining what I have learned are the 3 Big Reasons why you’re not feeling fully alive. 

The reasons may not be what you expect.


Look, if you don’t feel fully alive, and it’s been that way for too long, then it’s time to change your approach.

Make no mistake: Life is too short to continue to suffer when a solution is available.

Every day we help men to ignite the flame within them, to take back control of their situation, and use powerful and proven strategies to create exciting results in their careers, life, and relationships.

If you are no longer willing to tolerate less than you’re capable of…

If you KNOW that trying to figure it out on your own is slow and painful…

If you have a burning desire to get out of your rut, reclaim your confidence and FEEL ALIVE again…

Then take the first step and book a conversation with us.

P.S. When you come A-L-I-V-E again, EVERYTHING changes. What is it worth to you to have your drive, confidence, energy, and direction completely in your control?


Ready to Reclaim Your Professional Edge?

Join our upcoming free masterclass:

“Reclaim Your Edge: The 5-Step Strategy Men Are Using To Reignite Their Confidence, Drive and Take Command of Their Career Success”

In this transformative training, you'll discover:

  • A proven game plan to break free from career stagnation and rediscover your sense of purpose and drive…
  • How to rebuild your mental resilience and discipline, allowing you to consistently perform at your peak…
  • Techniques to silence self-doubt and overthinking, clearing the path to your full potential…
  • The art of maximizing results without sacrificing your personal life or diminishing your status as a role model for your family…

If you’re like most men who attend the masterclass, you’ll find yourself with a new level of clarity and motivation to turn your situation around once and for all.


I promise that the insights you'll gain from this training will be more valuable than anything else on your to-do list right now.

Intrigued? Skeptical? Either way, join me to see how we help men like you step back into the driver's seat of their careers and lives.

Learn the 5-Step strategy that's helping men break free from career limbo and reignite their professional fire with greater confidence, clarity, and purpose.

To your renewed edge,


Chris Janzen,

Founder & Coach, The Ignition Academy


I promise it will be the most rewarding 45 minutes you have ever spent working on your career.