The greatest regret you may ever have
A little while ago I came across a piece of research on octogenarians – people who have reached their 80’s.
The one question that stood out for me provided a simple but profound insight into how I should approach my life now, to prevent me from having the same regret at 80.
The question was this: When you look back on the life that you’ve lived, what is your greatest regret?
What do YOU think was the #1 answer across the large survey?
I posed this question to a group of business executives I was recently training. After a few days of helping this group to get clearer on their priorities and to reconnect with what they value most, their guesses were perfectly reasonable.
“Didn’t spend enough time with the ones they loved?” one suggested. A logical thought from a 21st-century executive.
“Didn’t do what they were passionate about?” another chimed in. Close but not exactly.
“Worked too hard and didn’t stop to enjoy life?” a third pondered. Nope.
According to this research, the number 1 regret – the greatest regret – of those who have lived a lot of life was…
“I wish I took more risks and didn’t play it so safe.”
So I ask you: What will be your biggest regret at 80 years of age?
Not having the courage to pursue a career of purpose?
Working too long in a job you hate?
Not starting that new business you’ve been dreaming of for years?
Not spending more time with your family while your kids are still at home?
Ignoring the signs of stress on your body and mental health until it’s too late?
One man I spoke to recently said he felt like a Ferrari engine trapped inside a Ford Pinto and his biggest regret would be never fulfilling his true potential.
My biggest fear has always been to get to the proverbial Pearly gates and be introduced to the man I could have become. The idea of not living up to my full potential, not becoming the man I am fully capable of becoming, scares the bejesus out of me. And so I’ve made it my mission to live life to the fullest.
And you can too.
If you’re living a life where you know you’ll have regrets – big ones! – when you’re eighty, it’s time to do something about it now.
But don’t waste more time trying to figure it out on your own. Find someone to talk to, get an outside perspective and be open to seeing your situation differently.
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- The art of maximizing results without sacrificing your personal life or diminishing your status as a role model for your family…
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To your renewed edge,
Chris Janzen,
Founder & Coach, The Ignition Academy